Posts by: rotirozee@admin

Bakra Eid 2024

Bakra Eid 2024

AsSalaamu Alaikum WRWB: This Eid, our dedicated team of volunteers is organizing a large-scale food distribution and biryani feast initiatives. Please support Rotirozee’s Qurbani campaign and help us provide meat and rice to numerous deserving individuals across multiple regions. Your contribution will enable us to make a meaningful impact. $160 for a goat $515 for …

Urgent Appeal For Ramadan Distribution

Urgent Appeal For Ramadan Distribution

Urgent Appeal For Ramadan Distribution Be the beacon of hope this Ramadan – donate now and illuminate the lives of the less fortunate with your generosity! Alhumdullilah, we have distributed 300+ Ration kits so far, there are many more needed. Jazakallah Khair for your generous support. Each Ration Kit cost is $25 and is being …

Qurbani and large-scale food distribution and biryani feast initiatives.

Qurbani and large-scale food distribution and biryani feast initiatives.

AsSalaamu Alaikum WRWB: This Eid, our dedicated team of volunteers is organizing a large-scale food distribution and biryani feast initiatives. Please support Rotirozee’s Qurbani campaign and help us provide meat and rice to numerous deserving individuals across multiple regions. Your contribution will enable us to make a meaningful impact. $110 for a goat $370 for …

iftar and Dinner at a girls orphanage

iftar and Dinner at a girls orphanage

Sharing another successful event of iftar and Dinner at a girls orphanage, May Allah SWT accept our efforts and reward you and your families immensely. Alhamdulliah, a lot of effort goes into organizing and co ordinating these events. May Allah bless and reward immensely you and your family and all the ones that have contributed …

Your Generous Support Making a Difference

Your Generous Support Making a Difference

Another successful event: We provided many packages of Delicious Food and Iftar in another Poverty-Stricken region Continue to Donate Generously for Immense Rewards in these last days of Ramadan, Jazakallah Khair Paypal: Donate at Web site: Or You can use the link below to automate daily charity: Jazakallah Khair RotiRozee Team Serving …

Your donations at work

Your donations at work

Help us with upcoming distributions:             Additional Food Packages Iftar + Dinner Packages Toys and sweets for children (most of them orphans) on Eid 1. Every good deed during this time is rewarded 1000 times more than during any other time of the year. 2. By donating to feed the …


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