AsSalaamu Alaikum wrwb,
100+ Food Packages and Meals/Iftar boxes were distributed to the needy in a poverty stricken area today. A well planned token system was used to ensure help reached Mustahiq(poor) families.
In a masjid, 250+ Iftar/Meals were provided. Alhumdullilah.
May Allah accept our acts of charity, and continue to reward us, even after our book of deeds have come to an end.
May Allah reward you all for the generous donations and the volunteers for their great efforts. Ameen.
Abdullah bin Amr (ra) said, ’A man asked the Prophet, “What Islamic traits are the best?” The Prophet said, ”Feed the people, and greet those whom you know and those whom you do not know”’. [Bukhari]
Please use the link below to continue donating in this blessed month of Ramadan especially in last 10 days. You can pay Zakat, Fidya, or Sadaqa.
Cost of Iftar/Meals for 200+ in a Masjid is $190. Please write a note (optional) when donating.
Jazak Allahu Khairan.
Donate at Web site: